Friday, June 4, 2010

Dear baby (June 4th, 2010)

Dear baby,
Mommy is sorry that she hasn't written to you yet. I am 16 weeks pregnant with you and I've already started to feel you wiggle a little. I also understand that you are still wanting to make me feel icky in the afternoons and evenings. No worries, baby! It will all be worth it.

That deep voice that you might hear (or feel vibrate) is Daddy. He talks to you often and reads to you at night. Daddy loves to read and will be playing the guitar and singing to you soon!

The much higher pitched voice is your big brother! He is 4 years old. He loves to sing to you and kiss my belly. He is very helpful to Mommy when she doesn't feel well and is always asking me when you are coming out.

You also have two siblings in heaven. Maybe you've already met them? God decided that Mommy's pregnancy wasn't safe or healthy and he kept them up there with Him. I like to think that they are being rocked and held by my Nanny and Papa.

This is sort of why I haven't written. I've been very scared that I would lose you, too. I talk to you all the time and pray that you'll grow and be healthy but I still worry.

We have seen you twice so far through the magic of ultrasounds. Once when you were a little bean and again about a month ago. Your heart rate has been 147 and 169 respectfully: very good!!! Your growth is on track and you put on quite a show for us last time. You danced around and crossed your legs. You sucked your thumb and got the hiccups! It was wonderful to see you do all of those things!

I have much to catch up on but for now, I'm going to catch a nap. You see, your older brother is sleeping so now's Mommy's chance!!!

Until later, my love....
Kisses and hugs and hopes for your future...

I love you,

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